The US House of Representatives is attempting to censure Palestinian Representative Rashida Tlaib because of her advocacy for Palestine, her desperate call for a cease fire and screams for a halt to the brutal war crimes and ongoing genocide of the Israeli state.
The usual Republican suspects conflate antisemitism with a call for a ceasefire – that to stop the massacre of Palestinian children, doctors, the bombing of hospitals and ambulances is to be antisemitic. They are attempting to justify an ongoing genocide that is being perpetrated in front of an impotent world, apparently powerless to stop it.
As I listen to this, they are literally calling for Israel to continue their murderous campaign. Not only do they want to deny Representative Tlaib’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression, but to censure her, one of only a few voices of sanity that still remain in the House of Representatives. Like the President of the United States, they are literally calling for a continuation of the murderous Israeli campaign.
Why are they attempting this censure? Easy answer: for the US Congress, it’s all about propaganda at the behest of the Israeli state, as many are now waking up to the reality of who and what the state of Israel actually is. The mask is off, and the emperor has no clothes. Benjamin Netanyahu, the criminal Prime Minister of Israel, is revealed to be the bloodthirsty monster he actually is. Their complicity in war crimes, genocide and irrational allegiance to Israel is best understood when we consider how they sold their souls to AIPAC and the Israeli lobby. They’ve all been bought and paid for.
United States Senators:
Note: below is a limited list of the more widely-known and high-profile US Senators and Representatives. The full list of all members of the US Congress (The House and Senate) who have received donations from AIPAC and the Israeli lobby for all election cycles can be found here. Note also, that the sitting US President in 1986, when he was US Senator from Delaware, uttered the following regarding the State of Israel:
There’s no apology to be made, none;
It is the best $3 billion investment we make;
Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region;
the United States would have to go out and invent an Israel.
Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican Senator from South Carolina, one of the most vile-mouthed and rabid in the US Senate, received over $1 million from AIPAC and the Israeli lobby. The senior Senator from New York, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer, received almost $2 M from AIPAC and the Israeli lobby. Interestingly, regarding high-profile US politicians, Hillary Clinton, when she was Junior Senator from New York, received more than the Jewish Senior Senator from the Empire State: $2.3 M!
President Joe Biden (when he was US Senator from Delaware): $4,228,614. Considering his 1986 remarks and that he received over $4 M from AIPAC and the Israeli lobby is quite telling of his character and who he really is. It’s much more than just a successful lobbying effort by AIPAC and the Israeli lobby.
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) | $2,433,147 |
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) | $2,358,112 |
Kirk, Mark (R-IL) | $2,294,469 |
Lieberman, Joe (D-CT) | $1,996,274 |
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) | $1,953,160 |
Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) | $1,725,324 |
McCain, John (R-AZ) | $1,491,366 |
Wyden, Ron (D-OR) | $1,279,376 |
Levin, Carl (D-MI) | $1,245,913 |
Cruz, Ted (R-TX) | $1,214,106 |
Perdue, David (R-GA) | $1,136,541 |
Durbin, Dick (D-IL) | $1,116,445 |
Specter, Arlen (D-PA) | $1,071,745 |
Feingold, Russ (D-WI) | $1,035,266 |
Rubio, Marco (R-FL) | $1,012,263 |
Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) | $1,007,580 |
US House of Representatives:
Sadly, almost all in the House of Representatives are on the receiving end of Israel’s generosity. The list is too long to reproduce here (almost all 435 members of the House, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are on the list). Of particular note is US Representative Ryan Zinke, Republican from Montana, who recently introduced a bill that would expel all Palestinians from the US and deny passports to any seeking refuge here. This psychopath was on the receiving end of almost 70,000 reasons to support the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Compared to some, $68 K is quite small so, considering the hostility and intent of his proposed legislation, it’s quite telling of his character and who he really is. His black heart is with the murderers, so what does that make him? Said differently: he’s a “useful idiot” for the Israeli lobby and thus, it didn’t take much.
Zinke, Ryan (R-MT) | $68,095 |
In summary, we have the following: