A lone Palestinian man waves his flag with what remains of his home and environs in the background. Credit: Russian Media.

The human race is presented with a stark choice.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and continues their assault on the enclave’s remnants on a daily basis, always with the claim that they’re targeting Hamas. Everyone knows by now, that’s a made up excuse to continue their genocide, to extinguish whatever remains of a once thriving community and people.

Now they’ve focused their sights on Lebanon, mostly targeting Beirut, the nation’s capital. They do this now, claiming they’re defending themselves and targeting Hezbollah. As is the case with Gaza, everyone knows that’s bullshit and an excuse to continue their rampage and aggression with a singular goal in mind: to clear the land for Netanyahu’s grand vision for a new Middle East that does NOT include Palestine or Lebanon. Some stories suggest that the Israeli onslaught against Lebanon is part of a larger regime change operation by the US. The thinking is that the people, desperate for relief, rise up and remove the current Lebanese government, replacing it with a regime more palatable to Israel and the US Empire.

Strategic Interest in the Middle East

As history has shown, this never works and isn’t going to happen now. What will happen to Lebanon is what happened to Gaza if someone doesn’t stop Israel. The US could stop them with the stroke of a pen — just cut off the money and weapons, but they won’t. Why? They have a strategic, vested interest in the region, an outpost looking east towards Iran, Russia and China, the collective west’s favorite boogeymen. You realize none of these countries pose any threat to the west, they never did. They are endowed, however, with a treasure trove of natural resources the collective west would love to get their hands on. If you need any more proof of this, just look at the planning behind “Operation Unthinkable”.

The Biden administration speaks out of both sides of their mouth. Blinken calls Netanyahu, demanding a ceasefire, and Netanyahu gives him the diplomatic middle finger. While Secretary Blinken puts on this show, Joe Biden authorizes billions more from the US treasury with a green light from many bloodthirsty psychopaths such as Senator Lindsey Graham, who never saw a war he didn’t want to start or join.

I’ve written much about the Israeli assault on Gaza, the Palestinians, and the Middle East. I haven’t written much in the last few months however, waiting and hoping the carnage would stop. It hasn’t. It was my belief all along that the Israeli thirst for Palestinian blood would eventually be satiated and their genocidal rampage against an unarmed, civilian population would eventually end at some point. It hasn’t, and it’s now clear why.

Netanyahu is now attempting to build his Grand Vision for Israel and the Middle East, Israel, from the River to the Sea. This vision includes the 1948 borders of Palestine (which include Israel), Lebanon, and parts of Syria. It should be pointed out that the Russians are in Syria by invitation and could squash Israel in about as much time as it takes to write this sentence. It’s unclear at this point why Russia hasn’t intervened more to answer the infrequent attacks against Syria in recent weeks. Anyway, that is their plan, a new Grand Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu: The Weak will Perish

Benjamin Netanyahu (born Benyamin “Mileikowsky” in Tel Aviv, is the son of Benzion “Mileikowsky”, a Polish academic who emigrated to Palestine in the 1920s and Hebraized his surname, adopting Netanyahu) belongs in an institution for the criminally insane. To get a better insight into how is mind works and as evidence of their plan, these are his remarks from 2018:

I opened this post with the remarks that the human race is faced with a stark choice. The onslaught against the Palestinians, the Lebanese and, eventually, the Syrians will continue until someone stops Israel. Any incursion into Syria, however, will be limited in scope since there is a Russian presence in that country. We’re all waiting for some country, some principled government, to intervene. Many Americans still believe the lie, that the US is the world’s “Good Guy”, the shining City On a Hill, as Ronald Reagan was often quoted as saying. Who’s going to stop Israel? It’s clear now, there is no Calvary coming to rescue the Palestinians. It’s up to each of us to do what we can.

What can we do?

Americans have a few options. First, vote in the upcoming elections. The two primary party tickets are simply two-sides of the same, rotten coin. I’m no one to tell anyone how to vote, but a vote for either ticket (Democrat or Republican) is a vote for genocide. Vote for a third party who opposes genocide and the world’s march towards collective suicide and possible nuclear war. Sadly and as a big disappointment to myself and many, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, openly supports Israel and their genocidal policy of collective punishment of an unarmed, civilian population. In doing so, he disgraces his family name and the nobility of the Irish race. As a testimony to their nobility, the Irish government and Irish Peacekeepers were one of only a few who defied the Israeli military’s demands that they abandon their post in Lebanon. RFK, Jr. needs to do some soul-searching.

Second, raise your voice and make it heard to your elected officials. Third, talk to your friends and family, colleagues at the workplace, on the supermarket checkout line, anywhere you can. If enough people rise up against this colossus, it will fall and we will have peace.

Moral Imperative

There is not now, nor has there ever been for the last thousand years, a greater moral imperative facing the world as what is confronting humanity today.
What we do now to save the people of Palestine and the greater Middle East will define us as a race and will be forever recorded in history.

The world’s moral voice is silent, those who are expected to raise their voice in condemnation and guidance are complicit in their silence. Where is Pope Francis’ condemnation of Israel and his excommunication of any world leader who is complicit in their genocide, such as the sitting President of the United States? There are a few such as Ireland’s President Higgins, Venezuela’s President Maduro and now, Nicaragua and their president Daniel Ortega. To their eternal shame, most are silent. Many say what would be considered obligatory, such as what Mexico’s new President, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, said when asked about the situation on Friday at her daily press conference. Obligatory remarks do not come from conviction, something that is lost to most world leaders today and is clear to any listener.

In closing, I would like to comment on the claim universally made by the bought-and-paid for media, US government spokesmen and the Israelis that “Israel has a right to defend itself”. In the limited case where there is an unprovoked, first-strike attack, any sovereign nation-state has a right to self-defense. This claim can never be made for Israel however, not now, nor since its founding in 1947. When you take by force, steal or otherwise illegally appropriate someone else’s land, you can never claim self-defense when you are attacked by the injured party (the Palestinians, in this case) whose land you now occupy. Simply put, the state of Israel has no legal basis to exist -the rightful owners, the Palestinians, were forcibly evicted in 1948. The Israeli “settlements” are illegal and amount to nothing more than squatters encampments protected by the IDF. This whole narrative surrounding Israel’s “Right to Self Defense” is nothing more than a canard, uncritically accepted by the naive and ignorant.

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Clashes abound following the Trump administration’s ill-advised move of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

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