Thoughts on a Double-sun Sunset, the #Doomsday Clock and the #FermiParadox
I’m an Astronomer and Astrophysicist by training and profession and care deeply about all living things, the state of our world and the planet we inhabit. In studying the universe…
#US Now A De-Facto #PoliceState (#GeorgeFloyd)
With George Floyd as the latest example, along with the escalating violence and brutality of police across the country in response to the largely peaceful protests, documented and chronicled with…
The Eugenicist’s Playbook: Politicized #Science Is Making a Comeback in the Age of #COVID-19
Republished with permission from Author’s Introduction I’m a scientist and an astrophysicist by training and find this attempt to use science as a means to further oppress already suffering…
#Podcast: #Pandemic Profiteering – How #Billionaires Are #Looting American Taxpayers
Republished with permission from In this podcast, Independent Journalist Alan MacLeod explains how the Billionaire class has hijacked COVID-19 as a means to expand their already obscene wealth. He…
#Trump Threatens to Invoke 1807 #InsurrectionAct To “Quell Unrest” (#GeorgeFloyd)
Rather than adopt a posture of leadership and act like a real president, Donald Trump, the reality TV host become president, has taken the cowards path and has threatened to…
Agent Provocateurs: #Police at Protests All Over the Country Caught Destroying Property (#GeorgeFloyd)
Republshed with permission from Author’s comment: in an attempt to undermine the credibility of the protestors and their righteous outrage and demands over the murder of George Floyd by…
Lawyers of #GeorgeFloyd Family to Open UN #HumanRights Case, Seek Sanctions Against #US
Reposted without comment from If there ever was a clear cut case for human rights abuse, it is the ongoing and pervasive disregard for communities of color by the…
#NationalGuard, Now Authorized to Use Live Ammo, Flood America’s Streets
Article reposted from The excerpt below is rather chilling and is an indicator of just how out-of-touch and malign the elites are and how dedicated the security state and…
The Murder of #GeorgeFloyd Was a State Crime
IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America An excerpt from the United States Declaration of Independence When in the Course of human…
#Ilhan Omar Does a Disservice to Progress and #Democracy
Recently I published a piece entitled “How Lies Become Truth and History is Denied” wherein I outline a few notable stories that whitewash history, how the truth of what really…