A beleaguered and brutalized Palestinian family wait to receive medical treatment at Nasser hospital after an Israeli airstrike in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip. Image credit: PressTV and the Anadolu Agency.

I haven’t posted here in quite some time. Why, you may ask? I’ve been waiting for a lapse in the carnage; just when you think there’s a lapse in the horror, and when you believe they couldn’t go any lower, they surprise you — and go lower!

Let me start out by saying, I’m basically an agnostic bordering on atheism. Why, when I was raised in a staunch Irish-Catholic household and, by all accounts, given that I’ve written here a lot about the church, even defending her, as follows?

Pope Francis Needs to Excommunicate The President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden
The Catholic Church as a Fascist Institution and The Dead and Decaying Fruits Of Late-Stage Capitalism
The Just War Doctrine and the Russian Intervention in Ukraine
Irish America, Where is Your Heart?


How could sentient beings, “Created in God’s Image” as it’s claimed, behave as they do, with such evil intent towards each other, with such malice, decadence and debauchery? What’s the death toll in Gaza now? If you don’t count the poor souls buried under the rubble of the completely destroyed enclave, lost (but not forgotten by their parents, siblings, or families), over 30,000. If you do count those lost, buried, incinerated or vaporized by white phosphorus munitions, the number probably skyrockets to well over 100,000, perhaps more.

I’ve written extensively about the mass murder that continues in Gaza and greater Palestine. Simply look for any articles with “Gaza” as the tag. It basically hasn’t changed and I would be publishing a new story every day if I were to chronicle every attack and atrocity committed by the Zionist Israeli regime. Some examples follow:

Netanyahu Needs to Go (And so does the Israeli “War Cabinet”)
The Problem With Israel
The World has the Blood of The Innocents on Its Hands
The Problem With Israel
Pope Francis Needs to Excommunicate The President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden
USAF Airman Aaron Bushnell is an American Hero
NY Governor Hochul To Increase Surveillance, Monitoring Rise in “Hate Speech”

And there are many more, some dating back to 2021. One notable addition I would mention here, where I objected early on to the inclusion of the Israeli team in this year’s Summer games while putting onerous restrictions on Russian athletes: To be Evenhanded, Israel Should be Barred from Participating in the International Olympic Games

With over 100 exceptions of boycott or protest, such as Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont along with many in the Democratic Caucus including Nancy Pelosi(!), much of the US Congress (House and Senate) attended -and frequently applauded- this blood-soaked mass-murderer’s congressional address! Not surprisingly, Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib was in silent attendance, sitting in her seat with a sign that read “War Criminal”.

Her words when interviewed later

“Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people. It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress.”

Representative Pelosi was quoted on Social Media as saying that [Netanyahu’s Speech was]

by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.

Remember the outrage when Canada invited a documented Nazi to the Canadian House of Commons? Where is the indignation and outrage here for something far worse, an invitation extended to a certified genocidal mass-murderer to address the Congress of the United States?! Never in this nation’s history has such an affront to decency and democracy been committed.

He has presided over the mass murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian Women and Children, some vaporized by white phosphorous bombs, eviscerated where they stood by attack dogs, or decapitated and/or dismembered by


Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal who should be in the dock or in prison for his war crimes, not addressing the Congress of the United States!

Mr. Netanyahu,
how dare you lecture us about democracy and decency, claiming your army is “the most moral army in the world” and you’re the light fighting the darkness. In a normal world, you would have been convicted of untold numbers of murders committed with a depraved indifference to human life on a scale unknown to even Hitler or Stalin. You are a vile, disgusting, transnational war criminal who should be tried and convicted at Nuremberg like the Nazis that came before you were! Don’t you dare lecture any of us about democracy or decency!  

2024 Olympic Games

The aped Last Supper of Christ performed by the lecherous cast of the 2024 Opening Show and the actual painting below.

I don’t know what was worse, the celebration of a mass-murdering baby killer in the halls of congress or the sickening Opening “Show” spectacle of the 2024 Olympic Games in CATHOLIC Paris!

Remember how the media lamented the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris a few years ago? Their tears waxed hollow and empty then as they do now — the hypocrisy is breathtaking! They lamented the fire -and then supported the reconstruction of — Notre Dame Cathedral, while they now gush and fawn over the vile and depraved spectacle that was the launch of this Summer’s Olympic Games.

This disgusting spectacle was hailed as different and Woke — we’re all supposed to now bow down at the altar of Woke, really of the depraved and intellectually vacuous. This “show” was a grotesque blasphemy and a direct affront to all thinking people of all religious stripes. It was an utter disgrace and should be reviled, not pacified and treated with kid gloves. Nature has provided a binary choice for natural gender: male or female, XX chromosome combination for female or XY for male, that’s it! You either have one combination or the other, there’s no third option. Anyone who has difficulty with this has serious issues and needs to see a psychiatrist or psychologist, not a “Gender Affirming” doctor or counselor. Full Stop! Enough!

The Second Coming of Christ

I’ve often used the poem of the same name by the famous Irish poet W. B. Yeats to convey a sentiment or describe a series of world events that may portend what’s to come. Not since I was born over 6 decades ago, has it been more apropos to use now, to describe the world stage as it is at the present moment. I’ve highlighted particularly salient parts of the poem that apply now.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Spiritus Mundi is translated from the Latin as “The Spirit World”.

With the blasphemous spectacle of the 2024 Opening Show to Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional address as a context, I present the following excerpt from a book I’ve recently read. This book describes the origin of those who now populate the “State of Israel” and how they rose to prominence over the intervening centuries since the year 740.

I’m not naming the book here as there’s enough information provided to do so without much effort — I’ll leave that up to you. It should be pointed out here, within this context, that the man who goes by the title “Israeli Prime Minister”, that “Benjamin Netanyahu” is not his actual name.  He is of Polish descent with a completely different last name. Also bear in mind that many who inhabit “Israel” proper or are settlers illegally squatting on Palestinian land claim to be Jewish, but are not. It should also be noted here, that it is against Israeli law to for an Israeli citizen to order any form of DNA test while living there! Of course, this would be quite inconvenient for those who claim Jewish ancestry but lied on their application for citizenship. But there’s a deeper and much more sinister reason for the restriction, and I’ll leave that up to you to figure out. Having said that, there are two requirements to be an “Israeli” citizen; the first is to be a Jew. Take another look now at the following excerpt from the Revelation of St. John (Chapter 2, verse 9) with this in mind, along with everything else discussed.

I’m not suggesting the end of the world is nigh, I’m just observing, reporting and describing what I see. In Matthew 24:5, Christ tells them that

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

There are many good people still in the world, fighting for peace, democracy and the authentic soul of humanity. Authentic goodness, virtue, and democracy can still prevail. A wise man once said that

“Evil Triumphs because good men remain silent”

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