This country has been so thoroughly corrupted by the Israeli Lobby and AIPAC that it could be legitimately renamed to “The Zionist States of America”. In fact, as of 2018, 89% of all US Senators held dual citizenship with Israel! Additionally, it is widely known that the sitting President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, has publically admitted he’s a Zionist. One cannot be a Zionist and a practicing Roman Catholic, as he claims to be. Zionism is anathema to the Catholic Church, and Pope Francis really does need to excommunicate Joseph R. Biden. In fact, when meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on October 19, 2023, Joe Biden reiterated his long-standing commitment that ”if Israel didn’t exist, we’d have to create it”. He hasn’t changed his mind since he made similar remarks in 1986 during a belligerent tirade on the floor of the US Senate when he was the senior Senator from Delaware:

In what has to be the most disgusting and appalling display of graft and corruption, 72 members of the United States Senate yesterday voted to table Senator Bernie Sanders’ resolution S504requesting information on Israel’s human rights practices pursuant to section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961”. This is a common-sense resolution that shouldn’t be controversial, at least for those who still maintain a set of values and principles. But if you’ve been compromised and corrupted by powerful special interests, then you’d have to choose between your oath of office and your true master, the one who’s already purchased your soul.

The reporting provisions in the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act would require the State Department to chronicle any violation of human rights and/or abuse by the Israeli state as recipients of US Military Aid. This was a bridge too far for these 72 compromised senators. After over 100 days since October 7, 2023, all members of the US Senate must now know of the atrocities routinely committed by the Israeli state against the Palestinians in Gaza and greater Palestine. If they haven’t been privy to any of these horrific videos, published on a daily basis by the brave Palestinian journalists reporting from Gaza, many of whom have now been murdered by the Israelis, Senator Sanders was very clear. Additionally, testimony presented at the ICJ (International Court of Justice) has been equally compelling, descriptive, and impassioned. These senators have no excuse — they know full well what’s going on by now. Like the loathsome, self-serving and self-interested cowards and hypocrites that they are, they hide behind platitudes of “self defense” and “an ally during war”, choosing to protect their Zionist partners in murder and genocide. They have the blood of the Innocents on their hands!

I’m reproducing the list in its entirety below. Take note of the cowards (no votes), the compromised sellouts and supporters of genocide (the yea votes) and the noble men and women with a spine who stood up to AIPAC and the Israeli lobby (the nay votes). The respective constituents must now do the right thing and make sure the current term for the cowards and sellouts in the Senate is their last!

Senator Sanders’ Impassioned Plea yesterday to his Senate Colleagues

The Roll Call of Shame

Alphabetical by Senator Name

A majority of Nay votes would have allowed the resolution to go to the Senate floor for a vote. There are 4 columns of 25 for the full tally of all 100 senators.

Baldwin (D-WI), YeaCruz (R-TX), YeaLujan (D-NM), NaySchmitt (R-MO), Not Voting
Barrasso (R-WY), Not VotingDaines (R-MT), Not VotingLummis (R-WY), YeaSchumer (D-NY), Yea
Bennet (D-CO), YeaDuckworth (D-IL), YeaManchin (D-WV), YeaScott (R-FL), Yea
Blackburn (R-TN), Not VotingDurbin (D-IL), YeaMarkey (D-MA), NayScott (R-SC), Yea
Blumenthal (D-CT), YeaErnst (R-IA), YeaMarshall (R-KS), YeaShaheen (D-NH), Yea
Booker (D-NJ), YeaFetterman (D-PA), YeaMcConnell (R-KY), YeaSinema (I-AZ), Yea
Boozman (R-AR), Not VotingFischer (R-NE), YeaMenendez (D-NJ), YeaSmith (D-MN), Yea
Braun (R-IN), YeaGillibrand (D-NY), YeaMerkley (D-OR), NayStabenow (D-MI), Yea
Britt (R-AL), YeaGraham (R-SC), YeaMoran (R-KS), YeaSullivan (R-AK), Not Voting
Brown (D-OH), YeaGrassley (R-IA), Not VotingMullin (R-OK), YeaTester (D-MT), Yea
Budd (R-NC), YeaHagerty (R-TN), Not VotingMurkowski (R-AK), YeaThune (R-SD), Yea
Butler (D-CA), NayHassan (D-NH), YeaMurphy (D-CT), YeaTillis (R-NC), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), YeaHawley (R-MO), YeaMurray (D-WA), YeaTuberville (R-AL), Not Voting
Capito (R-WV), YeaHeinrich (D-NM), NayOssoff (D-GA), YeaVance (R-OH), Yea
Cardin (D-MD), YeaHickenlooper (D-CO), YeaPadilla (D-CA), YeaVan Hollen (D-MD), Nay
Carper (D-DE), YeaHirono (D-HI), NayPaul (R-KY), NayWarner (D-VA), Yea
Casey (D-PA), YeaHoeven (R-ND), YeaPeters (D-MI), YeaWarnock (D-GA), Yea
Cassidy (R-LA), YeaHyde-Smith (R-MS), Not VotingReed (D-RI), YeaWarren (D-MA), Nay
Collins (R-ME), YeaJohnson (R-WI), YeaRicketts (R-NE), YeaWelch (D-VT), Nay
Coons (D-DE), Not VotingKaine (D-VA), YeaRisch (R-ID), YeaWhitehouse (D-RI), Yea
Cornyn (R-TX), YeaKelly (D-AZ), YeaRomney (R-UT), Not VotingWicker (R-MS), Not Voting
Cortez Masto (D-NV), YeaKennedy (R-LA), Not VotingRosen (D-NV), YeaWyden (D-OR), Yea
Cotton (R-AR), YeaKing (I-ME), YeaRounds (R-SD), Not VotingYoung (R-IN), Yea
Cramer (R-ND), YeaKlobuchar (D-MN), YeaRubio (R-FL), Not Voting
Crapo (R-ID), YeaLankford (R-OK), YeaSanders (I-VT), Nay
Lee (R-UT), YeaSchatz (D-HI), Not Voting


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